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ماذا أفعل إذا لم تتمكن الطابعة المشتركة من الطباعة؟

يوليو 08, 2022

ماذا أفعل إذا لم تتمكن الطابعة المشتركة من الطباعة؟ غالبا ما تستخدم الطابعة في العمل العادي. إذا لم تعمل الطابعة ، فسيكون ذلك صداعا. أدناه ، دعنا نلقي نظرة على 10 حلول للطابعة المشتركة التي لا تطبع ، دعنا نتعلم معا. بشكل عام ، يتم تعيين الطابعات الموجودة في المكتب ليتم مشاركتها ، بحيث يمكن للجميع في الشركة استخدامها. ولكن ماذا أفعل إذا وجدت أن الطابعة المشتركة لا يمكنها الطباعة أثناء الإعداد؟ هل هذا فشل في الطابعة؟ كيف يمكنني حل مشكلة فشل الطابعة المشتركة؟

1. اجعل الطابعة متصلة بالإنترنت.

If the printer is not online, it is naturally impossible to print.

To restore an offline printer, we can do it in three steps. The first step is to check the working status indicator or LCD screen of the printer, and check and make sure that the printer is in the standby state after startup. If the status indicator of the printer is flashing or the LCD screen prompts a fault message, first contact the customer service of the printer company to inform the printer of the status prompt and recover the printer from the faulty state. In some cases, the quality of the socket may cause the printer plug to be poorly connected and unable to work without power. There are also some products that will automatically enter the shutdown state when they are not used for a long time, and need to manually turn on the power to restore the printer to a working state.

The second thing to do is to clear the print job. Find the printer in the start menu of the computer. Here is the Windows 7 operating system as an example. Other operating systems can use this for reference.

The thing to do here is to clear these documents, which is to delete the print queue. Right-click the printer icon and select Delete Print Queue from the pop-up menu. After performing the above operations, restart the computer and the printer, and connect the printer to the computer via the USB interface. At this time, enter the printer option of the control panel again, and the printer will be automatically restored to the available state in the Windows 7 system. After hovering the mouse, the correct prompt message should be "print queue 0, ready". In WindowXP operating system, recovery from offline state is not automatic. You need to find the printer option in the control panel, right-click on the icon, and then select "Use an online printer" in the menu.

It is not a difficult operation to restore the printer offline. If the computer system has an SSD, the problem can be solved in half a minute, including restarting. If some still cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to check the two communication interfaces connected to the printer and the computer to see if there is a problem with the interface.

2. أعد تشغيل الطابعة.

If the printer is online and still cannot print the document, you can restart the printer at this time, which not only clears the printer memory, but also solves many printing problems.

3. قم بتعيين الطابعة كطابعة افتراضية.

Proceed as follows:

1)Click the Windows "Start" menu, point to "Settings", click "Printers" to open the "Printers" window.

2) Right-click the printer icon, the system pops up the shortcut menu, click "Set as Default" in it.

4. إلغاء تعليق الطباعة.

To do this: In the Printers window, right-click the icon of the printer you are using, and then click to clear the check mark "√" in front of the "Pause Printing" option.

5. جعل المساحة الحرة على القرص الصلب لا تقل عن 10 ميغا بايت.

If the free hard disk space is less than 10MB, more space must be released for the system to complete the printing task. At this time, please click the "Disk Cleanup" button, then in the "Files to delete" list box, select the file types to delete, and click the "OK" button.

6. قم بزيادة إعداد مهلة الطابعة.

To check or change the timeout setting, follow these steps:

1) In the Printers window, right-click the printer icon, and then click Properties.

2) Click the "Details" tab, and add various timeout settings under "Timeout Settings". The "Not Selected" item specifies the amount of time Windows will wait for the printer to come online before displaying an error message.

7. تأكد من الطباعة إلى منفذ الطابعة المحلي المناسب.

Proceed as follows:

1) In the Printers window, right-click the printer icon, and then click Properties.

2) Click the Details tab, and in the Print to the following port box, make sure the printer is set to the appropriate port. The most commonly used port is set to "LPT1", there are also printers that use a USB port.

8. الإخراج الناتج عن البرنامج غير صحيح.

To determine whether the output generated by the program is correct, you can verify it by printing documents from other programs. We print the test document in "Notepad", the steps are as follows:

1) Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, click Notepad to open the Notepad window.

2) Type a few lines of text, and then on the File menu, click the Print command.

If you can print the test document, it means that there is a problem with the program you used to print, please reinstall the program.

9. أعد تثبيت برنامج تشغيل الطابعة.

Occasionally, a printer driver can become corrupted, causing an error that the document cannot be printed. We can reinstall the appropriate driver and print again.

1) In the Printers window, right-click the printer icon, click Delete, and then click the Yes button. If prompted to "Delete special files for this printer", click the "Yes" button. If prompted to delete the default printer, click the OK button.

2) In the "Printers" window, double-click the "Add Printer" icon to open the "Add Printer Wizard", click the "Next" button, and then execute the on-screen instructions.

10. تأكد من أن المنفذ وكابل الطابعة يعملان بشكل صحيح.

After doing the above nine tasks, the following methods can help you further find the problem:

1) Whether the printer cable is connected securely If the computer is directly connected to the printer, make sure that both ends of the cable connecting the computer and the printer are plugged in correctly. If using a print switch, bypass the switch and connect the printer directly to the computer before attempting to print.

2) Test the port connection Connect the printer to another available port, retry printing the document, if it prints, the original port is damaged.

3) Test the printer cable Replace with another printer cable and try printing the document again, if it prints it means the original cable is damaged.

ما سبق هو 10 حلول أحضرتها إلى الطابعة المشتركة التي لا يمكنها الطباعة ، وآمل أن تساعدك.